Days 434 - 438 - Valparaiso, Chile
Day 434
Valparaiso is famous for its color, steep, winding streets and boisterous street art. It’s a vibrant and diverse city. We explored our way through its bohemian section up to the Brighton Hotel, a three-story house perched above the streets below. Buildings here are both festive and ragged, which gives them a tired but still lively charm. They remind me of parts of New Orleans and Pittsburgh’s Mexican War Streets. The artwork is phenomenal, and dinner at the Brighton was excellent!
Day 438
Each evening in Valparaiso we walked along the beach. The video reveals many ways folks find to make a living. But one of the most unique was this fellow who created these amazing rock balancing acts. He had made a good dozen when we saw him. People watched and explored and, like us, made a small donation for his efforts
A stroll down the Valparaiso Malecon, sort of like a boardwalk. See the variety of ways in which people make a living.