Days 496 Navimag to Puerto Natales - Day 5

Debarking Navimag

The wind abated and the ESPERANZA (meaning HOPE) docked at last. Sadly we and our fellow Patagonian sailors headed in separate directions: Jorina, the German hiker and orthopedic surgeon; best-selling author Mary Neal and her husband Bill, outrageously advanced kayakers and both doctors, too. Mary had become famous because, while kayaking in Patagonia, she had been submerged under water for 30 minutes, and recovered! She wrote two books about the experience. We said goodbye to Philippe and Andrea and their sunshiney toddler Sol; 83 year old Don from Pensacola and the Fedele family who were exploring South America and teaching their pre-adolescent children about the world; Jorge and Pancho of the Chilean Navy now about to begin captaining ships like Navigmag; Jerome and Radak from Lyon; Megan and many others. Everyone of them fine and fascinating people.

Puerto Natales Recommendations


Day 497 - Puerto Natales, Chile


Day 495 Navimag to Puerto Natales - Day 4