Day 491 - Bariloche, Argentina

After finding Butch we settled down to a great dinner at the Hosteria La Pilarica in Cholila and spent some time with Vive and Bill, the delightful owners. Bill’s grandfather ran one of the finest mule teams in Argentina where he regularly drove tons of wool to market in Port Madyn. 144 mules in the train. The next day we drove north along the Corderillo and grabbed a bite in Bariloche before catching our bus at the crammed Bariloche bus station to make our way back to Puerto Montt. Long day but the views … wow. The lake in Bariloche is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. At the border the dogs flagged us for drugs. False alarm but the police had our interest for awhile!! We finally arrived at 11 pm.


Day 492 Navimag to Puerto Natales - Day 1


Day 488 - 489 - The Hunt for Butch Cassidy