Day 408 - 409 - Lake Titicaca, Peru

The Human Made Uros Islands of Lago Titihaha

The Uros people of this Lake call it Titihaha-meaning strong puma because they felt the lake was in the shape of a puma. They are a pre-Incan culture that came here 1000 years ago. 300 years later, a contingent broke away and created these entirely man made islands constructed from the ubiquitous reeds that rise from the low water nearby. There are about 80 small islands, each with a kind chief who advises the peoples’ mayor. The system is run like a democratic co-op. It’s an ancient but remarkably clever system that as served longer than many Empires have.

Isla Taquile

The same boat that took us to the man made islands of the Uros people took us to Isla Taquile, a small but beautiful island that nearly borders Bolivia on Lake Titicaca. We hiked over the top of the island, which is farmed along the lake’s shores and ancient terraces. The people also make beautiful woven fabrics by hand like this woman was. It reminded me of the hand-woven rugs we saw created in Morocco. But that’s another story.


Day 410 - Chivay, Peru


Day 404 - From Machu Picchu to Cusco