Grey River Kayaking, Torres del Paine

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Difficulty level: Beginners
Duration: Full day
Distance: 25 km / 18 miles of paddling
Operational season: September to April
Departures: Every day on request


  • Pick up at Hostal Puerto Natales 7:00 hrs

  • Start paddling at Playa Grey (in front of Hotel Grey). If the wind allows, paddling through icebergs

  • Down river Grey until the confluence with Serrano


We leave town in the morning with our car headed to the Grey Lake sector, at Torres del Paine national park (if you are somewhere in the park we can pick you up there).

At the Playa Grey bank, we will start the instruction to have a conformable and safe navigation. We began the excursion from Grey Lake mouth where it ́s possible to paddle alongside stunning icebergs that are blown by the wind right after they separate from the glacier. We have Macizo Paine and the west mountain range as landscape, highlighting also the famous Cuernos del Paine.

After enjoying the lake navigation and mastered the kayak, we will start to go down through the Grey River. From now on it ́s going to be an adventure passing through rapids and cannons from start to finish, followed by numerous turns overlooking Sierra del Toro. We will have a break close to Grey Bridge where we will enjoy a great Box lunch, we will continue paddling until we find the confluence with Serrano River.


Ramirez 528. Puerto Natales, Chile.

+56 9 77647187

Chip’s Notes

We had a blast with Carlos Dittmar, our guide (and owner) along with Paula Cardenas Zapata. They know the rivers, they have top notch kayaking gear and they’re pros. They provide several varieties of Kayaking excursions around Puerto Montt and Torres del Paine, but we took the route from Lago Grey down the Grey River to its confluence with Rio Serrano. An excellent box lunch was provided half way into the trip. You never know what the weather will bring, but we were lucky. This particular excursion was easy so if you want simple, calming waters, this is for you. If you are looking for more excitement, Carlos can tell you all about it.


Lago del Toro


Hosteria Del Torres